
Picture of Maria Stella Lydaki.

Maria Stella, a London-based artist and alumni of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy's "Jewellery Linking Bodies" department (July 2022), draws inspiration from the ancient and medieval symbols of her Aegean island heritage.

Stella's practice views jewellery as a conduit for profound communication, a way to reconnect with the body's inherent truth. Currently, her research explores the art of lamentation, focusing on the silenced voice of Pythia, the ancient Oracle of Delphi. With the temple's closure in 390 AD, Stella contemplates where we find our inner oracles today. She incorporates writing and spoken word—enriching the narratives embedded in her art—and delves into themes of absence and presence, memory and transformation.

Stella weaves stories into metal, thread, and performance, unlocking the body's unspoken language. She explores the power of fairytales and the solace of forgotten lullabies. Finding kinship with the work of Surrealist artists Leonora Carrington and Remedios Varo, whose recent resurgence aligns with her own artistic vision, Stella is deeply influenced by their exploration of dreams, the subconscious, and the feminine spirit. This influence is expressed through diverse mediums like landscape interventions, photo books, and installation performances. Flowing together, these elements create a space for alleviating loss, embracing joy, and fostering deep relaxation.

Selected exhibitions

Selected publications

Reclaiming the Mythical Feminine - Anima Mundi school (2023)
Black River (issue 02 2022)
The Grief Space - Brand content commission (2021)
Inside the Outside Journal - Volume 1: Right to Roam (2021)
Of the Land and Us - Black River (issue 01 2021)
Fubiz - Romantic Memories of a Berlin Trip (2017)
Growth Issue - Thistle Magazine (2016)
Silvae Magazine (2016)
Mystery Issue - Thistle Magazine (2016)

Copyright ⓒ 2023 Maria Stella Lydaki